Acest indicativ este "crescut" pentru concursuri , nimic altceva.

marți, 3 septembrie 2013


Call: YO7LFV
Operator(s): YO7LFV
Station: YO7LFV
Class: SO SSB LP
QTH: polovragi
Operating Time (hrs): 7
Location: Eastern Europe
Summary:   Compare Scores
BandCW QsPh QsMults
Total:030696Total Score136,320

Club: [none]
Comments:     2013-08-25 12:26:56
Anul asta am lucrat in stil de vacanta datorita musafirilor pe care i-am avut.
Cat am lucrat a fost o propagare destul de buna cu semnale frumoase.
Nu am lucrat nici o statie din SUA , am fost si LP si poate de asta dar in
schimb am lucrat cativa JA cu semnale ok . Nu am reusit sa intru in 80 m din
cauza focului de tabara care a durat mai mult decat ma asteptam , ce greu ard
lemnele HI.

This year I worked in holiday style because guests that I had.
I worked was a pretty good spread with beautiful signals.
I have not worked any U.S. state, we have been and this LP and can but instead
I worked a few signals JA ok. I managed to get in 80 m due campfire which
lasted longer than I thought, how hard the wood burning HI.

73! Rob yo7lfv / yp7p

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